Aviation DIBOT2 process

This topics provides a brief description on how the Aviation DIB process works.

As for all other peices of software in DIB it is about reusing software a cross domains to reduce costs for implementing fairly complex software environments. For avaition we have developed a server called the ATA stager which is basically able to process aviation standard XML data and convert into a format which can be processed and distributed within the DIB environment as we know it. The aviation process is illustrated in the following image

Figure 1. The DIB aviation process

Currently the ATAstager supports iSPEC2200 data converted to XML, but it is schedulled and possible to also process ATA S1000D data for different type publications.

In brief the ATA stager absorbs the orginal publicayion file and then split that according to MRUs definitions, this area is called the ATA MRU split area. The is still in the same XML structure as the original content. The next stage is actual 2 stages, the first substage of this 3rd stage proces is convert the ATA data to DITA-XML. Next it is enhancing meta data for effectivity filtering. It also builds the TOC and finally it is building the searchindex which is serialised and ready to loaded by the DIBOT2 inapp when loaded in the DIB-APP. In the subtage of this 3rd stage it is also build metrics and statitics about the publication. Also this info is included in the publication dfinally istributed to the APP using the normal DIB DIBOT2 process, which builds the Aviation publication using the DIB-Builder with DIBOT2 and promoting it to the DIB-Distributor to be available on DIB-APP.