The DIB server components
The main server components of the DIB core platform is visualised below:

DIB contains a number of servers where some are singletons meaning then can only be installed once on a server (virtual or physical) environment. Others can be installed several times depending upon the need a specific setup needs to serve. Shortly each server can be described as follows:
Server | Description |
Autorunner | The autorunner server starts all the other DIB-servers. In case a
specific DIB server stops e.g. due to infinity use of CPU the autorunner
will automatically restart that server. Also it will output information
from the specific server potentially having problems. It will also show
information from servers just running smoothly. It also means that in
case a customer of DIB wants to have the DIB system included as a
service (in windows) or a crontab job (Unix) it is only needed to call
the autorunner. The DIN-installer program can handle up to 5
![]() |
Proxy | Each DIB server is configured to run on a different port, but the outside DNS will only points to the IP address without the port. The proxy is redirecting the request to the appropriate port. E.g. could be redirected to http://localhost:50030. Normally we say that ports between 50000-50500 are reserved for use to DIB stuff. More about this is found under installation of DIB. The proxy is a singleton meaning only one instance can run on the server |
Portal | The portal is the first screen a user sees to login to DIB
environment. The portal authenticates the user and most likely the
portal is connected to a LDAP server. We also provides authentication
services through Google and Facebook. There is basically only two
screens in the portal - the login screen and the screen showing which
other DIB servers the user have been configured. Which is based upon
which organisation/group he/she is a member of.![]() |
Architect | The architect is the DIB design tool of inapp and related server
applications for when inapp submissions are received. For storage the
architect uses mongoDB as well as the filesystem. In principle you can
as many architect servers installed as you like, but in general is tha
only DIB-Architect is installed. The archiect is always connected to one
processing, which normally in an installation is called the DIB-procarch
processing server. The processing is generating all the output that is
needed for the builder as well as distributor. Below screensshot is the
main screen of the DIB-architect.![]() |
Builder | The builder is sometimes also named the compiler of the DIB
environment.This is where the user points to a specific set of data to
be build. This data is normally XM and JSON based content. Then the
builder outputs what we refer to as an inAPP which is an HTML5 based
application which either can be executed in WEBbrowser or it can run
within the DIB app. The builder relies on an Open Source product callled
DITA-OT. This product is the key component and is configured to handle
content coming from the DIB-Architect or potantially from other sources.
And because there currently is 3 different versions of DITA-OT and
builder can only connects to one the builder is normally named Builder1,
Builder2 or Builder3. The configuration of the DITA-OT are tied into a
package we name DIBOT1, DIBOT2 or DIBOT3. A typical screen shot from the builder:![]() |
Distributor | The Distributor is a key server, because it is the one that is
commicating with DIB-APP or with browser based inApps. The Distributor
is also connected to a processing server we normall call ProcDist, which
is processing all incoming data coming from the mobile/remote
applications. Also it is the Distributor that is sending notifications
to mobile devices. Below is a screen show from the Distributor showing
data for one inApp. ![]() |
Warroom | The Warroom is closely connected with Distributor because it is a
data aggregation for data collected in the Distributor. It is a server
which can render data on large monitors as an example. Below is example
of data rendition within the warroom.![]() |
Mapping | The mapping server is a program which can generate recipes to
convert Excel into inAPP json files. Besides being able to specify the
recipe it is also possible to let the mapping execute the conversion.![]() |
IOT server | The IOT (Internet Of Things) server is enabling IOT devices to interact with the DIB enviroment. |
ATA Stager | ATA stager is server that is able to convert Aerospace technical content into data to be ready to be build into mobile InApp within Builder2. This server does not have any interface and is normally started via the processing through the watcher or it is just started manually. |
The servers within the DIB environment can be setup and configured in many different ways so it is accommodate specific needs a host must have. The following topic show different setups.