Various setup examples of a DIB server environment
In principle DIB server environment can be setup extremely flexible so below is some examples of different setups. But the number of setups are not limited to what you see below.
Even if it looks complex it is worth to remind that the whole setup and configuration is done through the DIB-installer program, which makes the installation pretty simple and easy to complete.
Normally we reserve port 50000-50500 for DIB servers. It some of these ports are used for other processes it most be configured around that how to handle port numbers.
A1: The traditional setup

- Architect. It is connected to a Mongo database named "Architect". and is also connected to a processing server called ProcArch. The ProcArch is generating the XML and JSON source data which are used by the Builder1 to compile inApps.
- Builder1. The Builder1 is using the DIBOT1 compiler configured to produce interactive inApps. The output is HTML5(including javascript). It is initially stored in the file area called Develop inApp Data. When inApp is ready to be released it will be promoted from Builder1 to the Distributor and stored in what is named "Live inApp data".
- Distributor. It is connected to a Mongo database named "Distributor" and is also connected to a processing server called ProcDist. ProcDist is primarily used for processing submitted mobile data. All submitted data are stored in Mongo and in "Live InApp Data".
- Autorunner. In this setup it starts Proxy, Portal, Architect, ProcArch, Builder1, Distributor and ProcDist.
- Proxy.Is the one redirecting connection requets coming from outside the server. The port for the proxy is always 443 when running SSL.
- Portal. Is to authenticate users so they can continue to relevant servers, where they can work.
A1W: The traditional setup extended with Warroom
This is A1 extended with Warroom as seen in the following illustration
The warroom server uses the same database as the Distributor.
A1WT: The traditional setup extended with Warroom and includes Test
This is how to incorporate a test environment into the DIB environment. Please notice that Portal and Proxy are still the same, they are so called singletons. However an autorunner (No 1) has been added to start and stop the test environment.

D1: Distributed standard setup
It is also possible to have DIB servers located in different servers physical or virtual. in this section you find what we consider as a standard setup for a distributed environment. Basically it could just be a standard A1W setup but where an additional Distributor and Warroom is interconnected with the builder. In this setup it becomes possible to serve more distribution environments from the same design (Archictect) and compilation environment (Builder). Below two pictures show this case. As you can see has the two servers different IP addresses.