FUldstændig RElevante MEdicinske DAta
This topic is written in a combination of danish and english, because the founders of the FUREMEDA concept are based in Denmark and their intention is to launch it in the Danish Health Sector before going global. The FUREMEDA abbriviation will also work in english, because it can be translated to "Full Relevante Medical Data".
The FUREMEDA concept is invented by:
- Lasse Danborg. Doctor in Orthopedic Surgery
- Bjorn Villumsen. MSc(Eng) - specialised in logistics
- Mette Minke. Prosthetist and Orthostist
The overall concept is that the doctor will carry out a patient examination based upon a decision tree structure of the dicease and after examination is completed the system will automatically create the medical content for the patient journal.
The mobile examination app for a food examination looks like shown below.

The patient journal output could look like as shown below.

Because FUREMEDA needs a powerfull IT platform which can work mobile as well as webbased the FUREMADA founders has used the DIB platform to establish a digital solution for the FUREMDA concept.
A presentation about FUREMEDA please click here.